Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Kid

Our son has been having fun "dating" his girlfriend.  They have been best of friends since they could crawl.  

We went to see her in a play.  She did a great job with her speaking part scene.

Her character was killed in the play.  She did a great job.

Of course our son is a pro at taking selfies on the timer...

His girlfriend was sick and could not go to the Night to Shine Dance.  He still looked shiny.

Bob Evans lunch.

Of course they always love selfies...

And when he's riding somewhere with me, that's a time for rest.  It wouldn't be a road trip without a photo of him sleeping in the passenger seat.  Ha ha.


Gretchen Weaver said...

They look so happy together, are they going to prom or aren't they old enough yet?

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

They grow up way too fast. They make a very lovely couple . How sweet that they have been so close for so long.

Julierose said...

What a wonderful group of pictures of your son and his girlfriend...great that they've found each other. Hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

Owen has grown! He looked real spiffy in that shiny jacket! The pictures of him with his sweetie are wonderful!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a great post - full of love and happiness and goodness. Thank you.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your son is such a handsome young man! How neat that he has a girlfriend, too. They look like they enjoy being together!