Sunday, March 9, 2025

Charm Baskets -- Slow Sunday Stitching

I posted about the baskets below yesterday for the RSC25 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2025).  As you can see I had yellow scraps left over from what I was working on for the RSC and decided to chop them up for this quilt even though they were not multi-colored fabrics.  Like the comment from Gretchen, the yellow will give the quilt a little zing.

160 baskets of 202 needed for the quilt are now complete.  My baskets are trimmed to 4.25" vs. the recommended 4.5" unfinished block due to wonkiness.  52.5" x 64.5" finished is the quilt pattern size.  I'll most likely go with those numbers--give or take.  The quilt pattern is called Charm Basket by Laundry Basket Quilts.  It is an Edyta Sitar design. I also stitched circles on two Dicey blocks this week in blue (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2025.)

Here's the beautiful scenes in our yard yesterday morning:

Another day the chickens and ducks will remain in the coop.  There is a red-tailed hawk just waiting for the all-you-can-eat chicken buffet to open here.  I'll have to be out with them when they start free ranging on a regular basis.  They did start mass producing eggs around Wednesday.  It's always amazing to me that they know the time change is coming.  Hopefully the ducks will get enough daylight to start laying eggs as well.  We live cookies made with the extra fatty duck eggs.

Thankful that the heavy snow didn't cause any loss of electricity during the night.

If I had to have a "favorite" type of snow, this is it.  I could have made a fast snowman, but I knew it wouldn't last long.  Warmer temps above 40 are expected this week.  Bring on the sun.

You can see how much accumulated on the roof of my truck.

This area was full of robins last weekend.  I'm sure they are hiding in there somewhere.

I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching here.

 Slow Sunday Stitching


Gretchen Weaver said...

Love the hearts! You got more snow than we did and yes, it will disappear fast. Happy stitching!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I just adore the cheery baskets, Kathy. Wow on the snow! It looks like a winter wonderland. Oh, bother on the hawk . I know that is worrisome when you have poultry. Good to hear that you are getting eggs. Have a lovely day. Hugs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It has been so fun following along as you make progress with your baskets! They are going to make such a fun quilt. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but your snow really is beautiful! (I live in Colorado and March is our snowiest month, lol! But I am done with it. :)