Oh how I love the way this The Bag Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge quilt top turned out! It measures 55" x 89" for a California twin bed. Aren't the colors and fabrics that someone else didn't like go great with the fugly fabric (cream floral) that I won last year and the brown Thimbleberries fabric that I added? LOVE LOVE LOVE! This pattern is called Cafe Mocha by Amanda Murphy. I also love the pattern. Amanda did a great job on it.
Here are the fabrics I started out with...

I added these and just a couple of
mauves/maroons to it...

That quilt is Fantastic!
Super cute!! Love the pattern as well.
That quilt is amazing! Kathy, can you please help spread the word that we are still in dire need of handmade quilts for the families, first responders and victims of Aurora Tragedy? If people do not want to send a quilt, they can stop by our Facebook page, like us, talk about us and post on their blog. We have quilted the entire communications center and raised 90 quilts, we still need 225 more to complete this project:
It really turned out great and those fabrics together don't look fugly at all. Amanda Murphy's fabrics and patterns are one of my very favorites.
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