Today I'm setting a lot of goals for 2016. I know this seems like a lot of goals for the first quarter, but who knows how much I will get done during the first quarter. These are things on my bucket list to finish for this year. I'm linking up my Q1 Goals at She Can Quilt here. Check out what the others are doing for the 2016 Finish-a-long!
1. Finish Bonnie Hunter's 2015 Mystery Quilt, Allietare! I have clues 1, 2, 3, and 5 complete. I shall work on Clue 4 this week.

2. Finish Celtic Solstice (Bonnie Hunter Mystery 2013). The top has been complete. The crazy pieced back still needs to be finished before quilting.
3. Finish the brown/green/blue/cream 16-patch quilt that was part of a RSC15 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge, 2015) project. The top is complete; the back is one fabric. It needs to be longarmed.
4. Finish longarming (Lisa) Customer's wall hanging quilt which is ON THE FRAME for some CUSTOM work! This quilt will also need a binding even though it is a customer quilt.
5. Finish December 2014 Block Lotto Big O blocks that I won 12.31.14! The quilt has been put together as a top. The back has been made (one fabric). It needs to be longarmed and a binding.
6. Finish a Customer's Flower Sampler quilt (Lisa). This quilt needs to have the back made larger and then longarm quilted and binding.
7. Finish a Customer's Christmas quilt (Lisa). This quilt needs to have the back made larger and the longarmed quilted and binding.
8. Finish Sew Sweet Simplicity (Customer Quilt) for Maxine. The blocks are made and need to be put together and then longarmed and bound.
9. Finish a baby quilt for our speech therapist that is due in June, 2016. (Gender not announced yet.)
10. Finish a baby quilt for Baby A for a family at church. Baby is due in June, 2016.
11. Finish a baby quilt for Baby B (yes, twins!) for a family at church. Baby is due in June, 2016.
12. Finish a quilt top for Julianne. This will be one of my RSC16 projects. The pattern we are using is called Soul Searching. "Soul Searching" is a quilt design by Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession.
13. Finally complete my Amanda Murphy Designs (ugly fabric quilt). This quilt has been on my WIP list for far too long. It's not ugly at all (it's just a fabrics that I got in a swap that someone else didn't like. But that was way back in 2012!
14. Figure out how to sash and border and finish my kite girl quilt. It was a RSC14 project. I love these little kite girls! They really deserve to be finished.
15. Make a cute baby quilt out of these fabulous kite blocks. Accuquilt sent me this kite die so that I could be a die tester. I haven't finished the quilt yet. I love these cheerful colors! Now that my fabric scraps are sorted by color it should be a simple fix. All I need to do is cut and sew!
16. Finish a red/white/blue charity quilt that will be entered in a contest at the 2016 Spring Tea. This quilt has not been started yet! I just printed an envelopes pattern that will work. :)
17. Finish this sweet 16-patch baby quilt. This is one of the FIRST things I hope to finish this year as it is my OMG to finish in January.
18. Complete this Country Roads Mini. It was a mystery at Humble Quilts for 2015.
19. Longarm and Customer's Flower Sampler quilt (Lisa) before summer.
20. Longarm and finish a Customer's Christmas quilt (Lisa)
21. This lovely pile of blues are for the first row of the Quilt Doodle Designs 2016 BOM reindeer. Have you seen them? They are soooo cute. I'm hoping blues work out for this quilt, but that's the plan. You can check out the January Reindeer block here.

Wow Kathy, that's a crazy long list, but I bet you can do it, or put a good dent in it. I'm much more conservative and hope to finish three of my Works in Progress. Happy to have joined this Finish-a-long.
There are lots of lovely things on your list and some firm deadlines (baby due dates in particular!) to keep you focused! Good luck and thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts!
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