Sunday, March 2, 2025

Slow Sunday Stitching -- Still Making Charm Baskets

16 charm baskets were completed this week.  Hope you're not getting bored with my baskets...  Most of these baskets were made from huge bag of charm squares that were swapped among friends back in the 90's.  They were trying to use up their scraps.  It ended up at a storage lot sale.  The lady saw I was looking for tiny scraps and gave me the bag which was half of a large garbage bag.  I knew I'd use them someday.

147 baskets of 202 needed for the quilt are now complete.  My baskets are trimmed to 4.25" vs. the recommended 4.5" unfinished block due to wonkiness.  52.5" x 64.5" finished is the quilt pattern size.  I'll most likely go with those numbers--give or take.  The quilt pattern is called Charm Basket by Laundry Basket Quilts.  It is an Edyta Sitar design. I also stitched circles on two Dicey blocks this week in blue (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2025.)

It's really fun for me watching this basket continue to fill.

I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching here.

 Slow Sunday Stitching

There was also one Dicey block stitched in yellow this week (the RSC25 color for March).


Julierose said...

I really love those charm baskets--such a wonderful array of fabrics in these!!
Nice work--and they could never be boring!! Hugs, Julierose ;)))

Gretchen Weaver said...

Half of a garbage bag full! You had better plan on making your quilt larger, that would be so beautiful!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

So many basket blocks!!! And so small! You're doing great moving ahead with them, Kathy!!!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great work on the basket blocks!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh those pretty little baskets- just gorgeous. Happy quilting. Hugs.

Kim said...

Those pretty, little baskets are splendid. This is going to be such a happy quilt.

Jenny said...

Your little baskets certainly are growing by leaps and bounds!

Vicki in MN said...

It's so fun to find treasures like that!

patty a. said...

Are you going to wait until you have all the baskets made before you start sewing them together? Last week's baskets are very cute!

Miaismine said...

Your basket squares are lovely and – wow! Your applique skills are beautiful! I love seeing basket squares as they really highlight the fabrics.