I'm starting to prep for my next slow stitching project. I have decided to attempt a hexie project. I made TWO pieces. Then I researched it a little more and I think I like the Bonnie Hunter way of putting them together. I'm going to need to prep more fabrics to be able to start this to do it Bonnie's way.
I tried a hexie project like this but I wasn't ready. I made a couple long pieces and never got them together. I'm confident in my slow stitching skills and seriously enjoying hand stitching that it's time to revisit the process.
My first option might be this... The two photos below are from Bonnie's blog:
I still have just a few baskets to put together. I have time think and digest comments and suggestions. Here's my sew-to-go baskets that need to be sewn. I expect these to be done by the week end.