Sunday, January 19, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching 1.19,20

Mid month already.  Time flies.  Here's some of the progress made this week on my THANKSGIVING holiday apron.  It is a pre-printed cross stitch that I found in a "last chance" bin at Goodwill.  Someone else didn't finish it -- at this rate I know I will.

I'm excited about making all the little x's in this  project.  I'm not excited about how to make the single line stitches.  I'll have to research what stitch is best for those straight lines.  I love to chain stitch, but I don't think that is what it is calling for.  The instructions aren't that clear on how big to make the stitches.  I'll figure it out.  It's a learning process for me.

I'm linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Slow Sunday Stitching


Created by Kathi said...

Possibly a simple back stitch would be your best way to outline those words... I love embroidery and your cross stitch find is sew cute! Enjoy!!! Kathi

CathieJ said...

Either a back stitch or a stem stitch would probably be best for the straight lines. What a pretty apron. I think it is great that you found this at Goodwill. My local Goodwill rarely had any crafts and has since closed.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

If I were doing that project, I would do a outline or stem stitch. As small as the font is on the 'recipe' part, I would probably use just two strands of floss. It's going to be darling.

Quilter Kathy said...

You are making great progress on the apron.
All of the above stitching suggestions are good ones, but I think if you love chain stitch, you should do that as you will be more likely to finish it if you are having fun!

Deb A said...

Great progress is being made! Pretty stitches.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Going to be so lovely!

Karrin Hurd said...

I think I would do a back stitch or stem stitch for the straight lines. Great work!

Connie said...

Your holiday apron is going to be a lovely addition to your Thanksgiving celebration this year! When my kids were small, I made a whole bunch of cross stitched bibs with the preprinted designs. They were so fun to make! I used just a regular backstitch around the edges of different design elements. I will be interested to see what you decide to use.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

What a fun find! I agree with others that a back stitch or stem stitch would be good to use for the lettering, but if you enjoy doing the chain stitch--why not!?!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Your making great progress and why it's alway harder to make a straight line????

Kim Sharman said...

Oh, the treasures to be found in "the last chance bin" in your neck of the woods! Such a fabulous apron. I think back stitch would be great, too.

Little Penpen said...

I like working on prestamped cross stitch too. Cute apron!

Denise :) said...

Oh my, this is so cute!! You're stitches are delightful!! :)