2011 Finishes

Friday, October 30, 2020

Quilt of Squares with Pink Border

 The "Quilt of Squares with Pink Border" is on the frame.  I have decided to quilt it with the Circle Lord giant template board called 7 Treasures of Buddha.  I took a photo at this angle so that you can see it.  I'm not worried how the size of the circles is going to line up on the quilt blocks.  It is an edge-to-edge pattern.  I think it will look nice.

For some reason the sheet my friend gave me as a quilt back keeps slipping off the corner closest in the photo.  I put a "bandaid" on it with my plastic gripper and it's staying in place.  Whew...  It will continue to roll back okay.  Just keep quilting...

The temperatures are starting to drop.  I need to get it finished soon before it is too cold to longarm quilt.  It's in the low 40's here today.  For those of you that are new to my blog, my longarm is in a house that is not finished.  It has heat, but it costs a lot to heat it to a cozy temperature and keep the head of the machine a constant warm temperature.  When it's cold, the stitches start to skip.  I hope to get three more quilts done before Thanksgiving.


  1. One of these days I need to go look at a long arm just to understand how they work. I don't see ever getting one because I have no place for it without sacrificing a room I need for something else but I would still like to know how they work. Hope you get everything done before it gets too cold.

  2. The quilt looks like it be a fine one. Nice choice of quilt design.
