2011 Finishes

Saturday, May 20, 2017

RSC17 Scrap Saturday 5.20.17 & FNSI Results

I had fun making plus blocks out of green last night.  Here's my FNSI (Friday Night Sew In) results:
May 7 started the #100blocks100days2017 on Instagram.  Here's blocks this week:

It's always fun to have a helper!

Linking up here with Angela of SoScrappy blog for the RSC17.   Check out all the other fun happening there.  We have so many creative quilters that check in each week.  It's fun to see our group grow and grow.  I LOVE all the inspiration!

grab button for SoScrappy


  1. I love seeing your plus signs - such a simple block, but full of oomph! I'm looking forward to your quilt!

  2. Good greens -- one of my favorite colors.

  3. Pretty GREEN blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and I agree... helpers are WONDERFUL!!!

  4. Great green blocks. I love the plus ones and have been thinking I might do some myself someday.

  5. More nice blocks for the PLUS column!

  6. Your green plus blocks are looking good! Of course help always makes the job extra special!
