2011 Finishes

Friday, April 21, 2017

Tumbler Rug #2 -- A Friday Finish

I'm happy to report another finish today.  It's Tumbler Rug #2.  I didn't know I liked making rugs so much.  This one is a little fancier with a border than Tumbler Rug #1.

I quilted it with a larger overall stipple a bit bigger than my thumb. 

I used this slightly heavy fabric for the back.  It's something somebody gave to me.  It might be upholstery fabric, but I'm not sure.

It fits nicely in front of my sink.

This was one of the quilts that I had planned to finish this quarter.  I posted about it in my Finish-A-Long 2017 Q2 Goals Post here.
I'm happy to link up this finish here.

Last week was the first time I washed Denim Tumbler Rug #1, finished 3.17.17.  Boy does it wash up nicely!  I have a feeling I have a few friends that are going want a set of these too for Christmas (but not this year.)  I think they would make a nice gift.  Hopefully I'll score some brown/black/green jeans at summer garage sales for some earth tone rugs.  It measures 28" x 42".

I'm linking up here with Sarah Craig for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
Confessions of a Fabric Addict

I'm linking up with Myra here from Busy Hands Quilts for Finished or not Friday.

I'm linking up here with Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts.

I'm linking up on Saturday at She Can Sew for Show Off Saturday.


  1. It is too pretty to be lying on the floor, Kathy. I won't be able to stand on it.

  2. It's a beautiful rug - colors, design...Is it all denim? It must be heavy.
