Added a new member to the flock today -- Welcome Curly!
He found the nesting box. These photos were taken the first two minutes that I left him out of the cage when I brought him home.
He has a floppy comb. It will be interresting to see if it stands up. He was in a coop with his two brothers, Larry & Moe. Now that he is king of the castle we will see what happens. It could just be the comb that he has. I believe that he is a first generation Easter Egger. Hopefully when I breed him, the chicks hatched will lay colored eggs.
The comb looks healthy and is not pale. It is just floppy.
Below you can see him stretching out his neck right before he did his little wing dance to impress the ladies.
You can see him start to do his little dance on my YouTube Channel (The Shahann) here.
Curley is quite a handsome fellow! When you have laying chickens do you need to have a male chicken for a reason? I am not sure I could stand listening to a rooster crow all the time.