2011 Finishes

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

A little more was completed on my Mystery Autumn Stamp SAL.

It was time to move my old, bent, favorite hoop.

I been stitching along with Melissa at Pinker n Punkin Quilting & Stitching.  This is her Mystery Autumn Stamp SAL.  

I'm linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Slow Sunday Stitching

Many of you that visit my blog regularly know that this past year I had to move garden, orchard, chicken coops, ocean container storage, fence, and perennials due to a new neighbor that had the property line surveyed.  My items had been on the wrong property for over twenty years and I had no idea.  Below are photos of some of the flowers and plants that are now starting to grow in their new homes.

The black eyed Susan is next to the other hydrangea that I moved.  You can see a lot of new growth of the hydrangea coming up from the root.  I love the color and shape of the leaves on this Corabell below.  

The two hydrangeas that I moved were planted super close to the property line behind the coop.  You can see where the property marker stake from the surveyors.  They are sprouting nicely from the root.  I may have to move those when they get bigger next year.

My pet rooster, Wiggles, decided to lay down while I was doing all this.  He doesn't normally lay down in the grass like this.  Hopefully he was just cooling his belly and not ill from eating too many tomatoes in the garden as I left him free range.

Here's a pic of my grandparents' old kettle that was used to cook apple butter on the fire full of marigolds that need to be deadheaded.  Hens and chicks grow in my first chicken feeder that needs a hole drilled in the bottom for drainage.  A jade plant is doing good after being re-potted.

There are tomatoes and mint growing in the flowerbed by the house.  I wanted to make sure I had tomatoes near just in case I didn't get the garden planted due to the move.  Some of them are volunteers (came up from plants from last season).  That is why they are on the ground.


  1. Beautiful stitching! I am going to redo 2 of my garden beds and need to dig up a bunch of plants too. I have a lot of yard work coming in the near future. With all our crazy heat in Northern CA the past few months my black eyed Susan looks pretty pitiful.

  2. I have a couple of favourite needles that are bent, but I still use them. Lovely stitching.

  3. Your Autumn Stamp project is coming along very well. I am also slowly stitching on mine.
    Sounds like you had a lot of work moving things on your garden.
    Have a nice week, Kathy.

  4. I must have missed the post on the surveying. What a bummer. It looks like most of the plants that you moved are surviving and doing well. I transplanted one lavendar plant this summer and I thought I had managed to do so successfully, but last week it started dying. I don't think it got enough water when we were away for a week and it just couldn't survive. Your Autumn Stamps is looking so pretty. I am enjoying watching your progress.

  5. Your stitching is coming along nicely! The plants that you had to move seem to be adapting well. With it being so hot have to had to water them to make sure they survive after being moved? I need to get out of the sewing room and do some yardwork this week.

  6. Aah Kathy , your Autumn Stamps are looking fabulous. I am so honored that you are stitching it . Thank you so much . Your gardens are beautiful. Love the color of the Coral Bells too. You have had a busy summer and your plants thriving after their relocation certainly shows your hard work.
