2011 Finishes

Saturday, July 9, 2022

July Purple Progress RSC22 HST

 I made some progress on my purple HST groups for the Rainbow HST quilt.  Here are some of the sets of three in the Three, Six, Nine quilt.

I'm linking up with Angela's blog, SoScrappy for the RSC22.  Go check out the fun!


I planted some sunflower seeds in a bare spot where my husband used to park a truck.  I also planted xenias.  They came up and something ate them.  There is a new family of groundhogs in the fence row.  I already planted more sunflowers in the spots where nothing grew.  Hope more sprout this week.

See the orchard trees in the background of the above photo?  I planted random seeds around each one.  It's like I have 14 mini gardens now.  Here you can see some random squash seeds are coming up.  I have photos in my camera like this so I can identify things as they emerge.  This photo was taken on Tuesday.

Then we got a couple showers of rain on two different days.  Look how much that helped the squash by Thursday.  They doubled in size and more emerged.  No visual on the daisies yet.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you remember all the places and seeds! We need rain here. Watering with a hose doesn't do much for growth. I think of all the colors, the least I have are purple and orange, don't know why. Your purples look great.
