Here's my cutting area in my truck -- yes, I'm determined to move these RSC projects forward. I graded my neutral bin of 2.5" strips, two rulers, and my rotary cutter. I'm cutting strips for my Stay Centered quilt which is a Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC21) project that I started this year.
It's not the ideal cutting table, but it's working at the moment. My dash is the finished area.
Our son is excited to participate in weight lifting with the school a couple times a week. It doesn't make sense for me to drive him there, drive home, and drive back to pick him up. At 7:30am I don't have many errands to run. I could walk on the track, but brrrr. It's been cold in the mornings. I usually have something in my sew-to-go bag to hand stitch, but I just wanted to make more progress on my RSC projects to get them closer to a finish. BIG finishes in the works for 2022.Here's my Stay Centered quilt where it last left off. I hope to have the purple made in the next week or so.
Those drop off and pickup times at school chew up a lot of time. Recently, I have been taking and picking up the two grandkids. Different schools, 45 min. difference in times. I wish I could think of something to work on in those broken chunks of time. Too bad irons don't plug into dashes- could get a lot of pressing done!