2011 Finishes

Monday, November 15, 2021

Botanical -- A Scrappy Improv Quilting Quilt

I whipped this little 24" x 24" table topper after I saw a couple of challenges at the October Monthly Mini Challenge at The Constant Quilter in conjunction with The Monthly Mini Maker Baggie Challenge at Rogue Quiler's blog.  It is called Botanical from the book Scrappy Improv Quilting.

I don't have a lot of practice on improv blocks.  I think it turned out kinda cool.  The next time I make a project from this book I will most likely make my made fabric pieces larger.  Some of my scraps were pretty small.

Now I need to be motivated to finish my friend's quilt that is on the longarm frame so that I can quilt this mini.

This little mini was a result of the Squirrel Club.  See Quiltdivajulie's post at Me and My Quilts - Exporing the Possibilities here.

I'm linking up at Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap!

I'm linking up at Love Laugh Quilt: Monday Making.

We had our first snowfall of this season.  It was beautiful and peaceful and stuck on the ground.  I remembered to take my camera with me when I fed the chickens right before dark.  It was 33 degrees.

My husband has been busy moving all the orchard trees and flowering shrubs and bushes.  More than half of them have been moved.  I moved some ornamental grass, yucka, and peonies.  Glad I got that done!

1 comment:

  1. Your improv piece turned out great! You used up a lot of scraps for sure! The snow was beautiful when some of those flakes were huge and just floated thru the air. I felt like I was in a snow globe! 63 Wednesday so I will have to get the last of the yardwork done!
