2011 Finishes

Saturday, November 28, 2020

#SpiderwebSewalong Is Quilted!

 I finished the quilting on my Spider quilt!  This is the OMG (one main goal) quilt that I wanted to finish this month.  

The photo below shows a more true color of the quilt.

I tried a new quilting design called Modern Squares from Urban Elements.  I need to practice the curves and corners a bit more, but I'm so happy how this turned out.

The quilt is trimmed.  The binding is cut.  Time to get sewing!

The #SpiderwebSewalong was designed by Lindsey at Pen + Paper Patterns .  You can see her Etsy shop and fun patterns here.


  1. The quilt looks fabulous! Good job! You are almost done so get that binding on! :)
