2011 Finishes

Monday, July 13, 2020

More Garden Photos

It RAINED!!!!  We have fresh God-watered plants!  It's definitely the best kind of watered plants.  I planted a few more rows of seeds since I have everything freshly tilled right before the nice rain.

These pics are more for my reference (even though I'm super proud of my garden this year!)  There was an extra large package of spinach in my seed collection.  It took up this whole row behind the tomatoes and next to the watermelon plants.  I threw some dill seeds on the very end near the grass.  I don't really use dill much.  I may have to play with it if I have a bunch of cucumbers.

In the row between the acorn squash pool ladder and the watermelon I planted a mini seed packet of kale that I got on eBay because I couldn't get out and shop during the March Covid madness.  I also threw in some old seed packets of parsley and oregano.  I LOVE parsley, but don't do much with oregano.  I may have to figure it out with all these tomato plants looking so nice this year.  I may also have to dabble in drying some herbs.  That could be a fun adventure.

In this longer row out from the tomatoes (the cut up TV tower piece that has the hinge...) first I spilled a large package of dill seeds.  It was an accident that I thought was a divine intervention.  The packet got wet when it started to rain and I had it in my pocket.  Dill seeds spilled everywhere -- about 100 of them.  I covered them and thought I'd see what happens.  After that I planted about six packages of radishes.  We weren't huge fans of radishes until I started putting them in with my pot roasts instead of potatoes.  YUM!  It was a big hit with my husband and I.  I'm not sure if I can grow radishes in the hot month of July/August.  This is just another garden experiment since I have the nice, tilled area left over this year.  I love it when my husband keeps my Mantis and rototiller working!

A while back when I planted a bunch of perennials from my friend, Judy, she gave me a plant I had never heard of.  She said that her plant doesn't bloom every year, but this year it did.  It is called Bear's Breeches.  I planted mine in two different locations.  One is in the safety of the dog kennel inside the chicken yard (chicken quarantine area).  The other is in the chicken yard, but is covered by large pink milk crates so that the chickens don't eat it.  I will move it in the spring to safety.  I experimented with it to see if the chickens and ducks would nibble at the leaves.  They ate all my hosta and fern leaves.  I'm pretty sure they would eat this pretty plant.  I think it's really pretty.  I never heard of this perennial before now.  Here is a photo of it at my friend's house:

1 comment:

  1. YES the rain on Saturday morning was wonderful! Everything got a nice drink of water. Your garden looks great! That is so funny about the dill seeds! You will have enough dill to supply the county! I have never eaten a radish. I always heard they were hot and the only hot thing I like are Atomic Fire Balls. That is so interesting that you cook them with the pot roast. Do they pick up the flavor of the beef?
