2011 Finishes

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Hogweed? -- or Not?

My neighbors were over checking out the earth work my husband has been doing in the driveway.  She texted me this photo and said, "My mom is showing off your new driveway..this is hogweed.  Wear heavy duty gloves and snap at base round up on ground.  Toss in garbage bags.  It gives nasty burns & blisters on humans and animals.

I believe I have snapped this off and thrown it to the chickens without being burned.  I'm not sure if this is hogweed or not.  I haven't seen any of it flower.  Any ideas?


  1. I googled hogweed and I am not sure if this is one or not. It did say pig and cattle can eat it so maybe it's ok for chickens. Sounds like it is a nasty plant and it's a good thing you snapped it off before it went to seed.

  2. If you have a smartphone, there is an app called Picture This. It is free for a few tries. If you snap the photo, it will tell you what it is and info about it. Hogweed is a nasty plant. I even have big issues with poison ivy.

  3. I don't think it's Hogweed. The bloom starts early and looks like Queen Anne's Lace. Hogweed grown near water or in ditches that often get flooded. The leaves look different also, more like a giant Thisle.
    But...to be safe, I would remove it and chuck it, don't feed it to livestock unless you are 100% sure

  4. I have seen Giant Hogweed growing in the wild here (Ontario) and this does not look like Giant Hogweed. Usually the leaves are much larger (wider) and less "dandelion-looking" than those in your photo. There are excellent Giant Hogweed photos on the internet. /Cathy
