2011 Finishes

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A TUESDAY Finish??? -- CM's Quilt

I finished longarm quilting this quilt for a friend.  It turned out nice. 

I still haven't looked for a good place to hang quilts to take nice pics yet.  You'll have to put up with temporary clothes line for now.  I longarm quilted it with my Circle Lord giant template board called Baptist Fan.  It is a 15" pattern.

My friend gave me a white sheet as a backing.  It was cutting it close again in size, but it worked.

I love seeing the Baptist fan design on quilts.  I like the curves on blocks that are square.  I normally don't like using this template on quilts for others because I have trouble getting the row of fans to line up nicely with the previously quilted row of fans.  This time I tried something different after realizing that there was a divot in the boards (see where my finger is?)

I turned the template around and used the template upside down to the way I used to quilt this pattern.  I used to try to put my stylist at the top of the fan and line it up with the previously quilted top of the fan.  I saw it done this way on a YouTube video quite a while several years ago.  It was not a Circle Lord video, just a Baptist fan video. 

When I have my stylist in the divot, I advance the quilt and put it at the top row of the previously quilted fan.  The quilting came out beautifully.  I will be using this template with confidence in the future.  I always thought the problem was not perfectly square quilts.  It was most likely operator error.  I just have to remember to quilt a directional quilt (such as my Ohio quilt) upside down to the way I would normally load it. 

This just means that I will quilt the bottom of the quilt top first.  (Not to be confused with quilting the back of the quilt.)  It doesn't matter how I load a non-directional quilt such as this one.


  1. Congratulations! Wonderful job and a new trick to make things better.

  2. Thanks for sharing this info, Kathy! So... The dot needs to be at your belly? Yep! I had my board backwards, too. DS1 tried to explain it to me once, but I don't quilt Baptist Fans very often and forgot all about that. MUST. Remember. NEXT time!!!
