2011 Finishes

Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020 Linen & Threads Mystery Stitch A Long -- Slow Sunday Stitching

I finished the January portion of the 2020 Linen & Threads Mystery Stitch A Long!  I really like the color blue I am using on oatmeal-colored Aida cloth.  It makes me happy.

There's a couple little things that aren't perfect with it.  I still LOVE it.  It's a learning process.

I'm linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Slow Sunday Stitching


  1. Step AWAY from the stitching, Kathy! You are too close to the surface of the Aida cloth. It looks perfect from here!!

  2. Your stitching is really lovely! I don't see anything at all wrong with it! I do like that dark, navy blue on the canvas you're using. It's a nice effect! :)

  3. Love your colors; I may have to copy you (G). I'm downloading the clues as they come out, but not starting yet.
