2011 Finishes

Monday, July 8, 2019

Moving it Forward Monday -- Customer Patchwork Quilt on the Frame

I continue to work on customer quilts this summer.  I drop one or two off and she gives me another one or too.  It's a great little gig for me this summer. :)
This patchwork quilt has a lot of half square triangles (HST).  It also has some squares blocks that make a special center.  It's set up somewhat like a medallion quilt.  It also reminds me of a pattern called Boston Commons.

The lady that made this quilt has fourteen grandchildren.  She is making each one of them a quilt out of her stash and scraps.  She is "using it up".

I am longarm quilting it with the aid of my Circle Lord giant template board called Loopys.  You can barely see the quilting pattern on it in the picture.  A neighbor quilter calls this quilting "wishbone".

I'm linking up at Em's Scrap Bag for Moving It Forward Monday.


  1. I really like these HST quilts your customer has been making. It is nice she can piece fast enough to keep you busy quilting the tops.

  2. LOVE you customers mission!! Nice job on the quilting, Kathy. Keep them rolling through!!

  3. Love the scrappy look of your customer's quilt. Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward.

  4. Very pretty quilt you get to add the finishing touch to!
