2011 Finishes

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Customer Camo Quilt -- Moving It Forward Monday (on a Tuesday)

I'm trying to get motivated to finish three customer quilts that I have had since December.  She knows that I do not quilt when it is cold or when I am working steadily.  Hopefully I will have all three done by this time next week -- that's my goal.

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part for me.  The making sure the back is big enough...the loading of it onto the frame... which template to use...  just start.

My helper was willing to work on his "mommy school" stuff.  He struggles during the school year.  I try to make sure we don't lose what we learned over summer vacation.  Typically we spend one hour per day on language arts, math, and some sort of life skill (whatever chore I need to get done for the day...laundry, cooking, baking, cleaning the chicken coop, comparative pricing at the grocery store, garden work... you get the idea.)  He does awesome.  we do this five days per week almost all summer!  He's such a good sport.  He gets to skip when he goes to camp, but not camping.

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