2011 Finishes

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Exceptional Olympics

Here are a bunch of pictures from last Friday, May 10, of the Exceptional Olympics.  Our son loved the sports and mascots -- and friends!  I hope he didn't offend the Cardinal when he called it the "Big Red Chicken" (a character he remembers from watching Dora the Explorer.)

Although there were 643 athletes with all different abilities from area schools in our county, our son is the ONLY student from our district.  It took a while to get him to be able to go.  Next year we hope to have our mascot there as well. 

 Our district is still represented!

These are Owen's very exceptional teachers.  They teacher on the left with the red hair is the teacher that left him go to this event last year for the first time.  She goes above and beyond when it comes to teaching.  She doesn't just teach reading and math.  She may be the best teacher he has had yet.  She has such a kind heart and gives it her all.

The teacher on the right will be his teacher next year.  I have high hopes that she will be very helpful during his transition to middle school.  I'm a little nervous, but we will embrace each day as it comes.

This is Austin (orange shirt) and Owen.  They are baseball buddies.  Below they are walking off into the sunset... to get some lunch.  They both have the same love of food!

Owen and his ONE person spot!

He was super excited to be on the giant screen.

Even kneeling, the Hoover Viking was taller than the others.

More fun with mascots.


  1. Owen looks like he truly enjoys being there. That is so super to see.

  2. That is such a great event. I am so glad that he got to participate, even if he was a solo. He'll have such great memories.
