2011 Finishes

Saturday, April 20, 2019

RSC19 - Scrap Happy Saturday 4.20.19

I got everything cut with my Accuquilt dies to make box kites and sand castle blocks (both Bonnie Hunter patterns.)  But I love making 4-patches.  These were the end of the road scraps I salvaged from cutting out the HST's and squares for the other blocks.

Here's an older RSC project that I finished yesterday.  I made hourglass blocks in the color each month.  This is an H2H charity quilt for Jack's Basket.  You can read more about the quilt finish on my post here yesterday.  The more I look at this picture, the more I like that striped binding with pops of color.  It's the same as the backing fabric.

I also made some light blue sub assembly sand castle blocks (a Bonnie Hunter design.)  I hope to have complete blocks with the strings attached next week.  Get it?  Strings attaches?  I'm so funny today.  Happy Easter!

Linking up with Angela at SoScrappy for the RSC19 here today.

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