2011 Finishes

Monday, February 25, 2019

Black Soul Searching Block -- Moving it forward Monday.

I'm happy to keep this project moving along.  Here's the black block for my Soul Searching quilt:

I'm linking up at Em's Scrap Bag for Moving It Forward Monday.

I'm also linking up my scrappy blocks at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.

Quilting is more fun than Housework

I love linky parties.  I'm also linking up with Dreami #25.

Here are previous Soul Searching blocks that I made for bloggy friend.  Life has gotten in the way and we don't keep up as much as we did.  I'm not sure if she still wants to swap, so I'll put this out there in blog land.  Otherwise, this could be my 2019 H2H quilt when I eventually get it done.  I'm at a slower than normal pace right now on it...

Speaking of moving it forward, my husband FINALLY took some of his aluminum cans in for scrap.  We have been together for 21 years.  He has saved all of our pop cans since then.  Here he goes with our son on a snow day to the "scrap yard".  This is the FIRST time he has ever taken his cans to the scrap yard.  This is load #2.  Sorry I didn't get a great picture, but for someone that has been saving cans for over 20 years I think it's a milestone.  It's okay... he has room to store them.  Guess he wants to put something else in that space.  Wonder what BIG thing he's buying now.  Doesn't matter.  I'm happy.  His hobbies keep him home and happy and creative as well.  :)  It's funny that the photo of the truck was "photo bombed" by the little metal bug that my sister-in-law hung on the porch a couple years ago.  I actually love looking out my sewing window and seeing the little bug.  I reminds me of the wonderful friendship that I have with my sister-in-law.

Here's a picture that I found on my camera that our son took at Christmas, 2018.  I'm the one in the blue sweatshirt.  My AWESOME sister-in-law and hubby (siblings) are seated.  Aren't they cute?


  1. Wow....that is quite the load! There will be tons of new found room.

    1. Hopefully the new found room will be used productively. I'm trying to lead by example of being organized in my sewing, gardening, chicken, and cooking areas. LOL.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda. For some reason it seems to take me a long time to make a block even though my 2.5" strips are quite organized. Oh well. It's still sewing time, still fun, still productive, and still getting a quilt to someone that probably doesn't have one. :) Have a great week!
