2011 Finishes

Saturday, January 5, 2019

RSC19 -- Red

It's the first scrap Saturday of 2019.  I have a few projects that are red and it works right into my plan.  Today I worked on the Good Fortune mystery quilt (pattern by Bonnie Hunter.)  It's a fun event each year.  You can read all the deets on Bonnie's blog at Quiltville's Quips & Snips.

I started off today UNSEWING vs. sewing.  I sewed too many 4-patches together.  I watched Wonder Woman as I picked them apart.  It seemed to go quickly.

I did get all of my required 16-patch blocks made.

My brain couldn't see how the reds were going to work with the orange strings, so I did the first row.  WOW!  It looks fun!  Bonnie never disappoints.

I'm linking up at Angela's blog, SoScrappy for the RSC19.  Happy new year!!!



  1. Beautiful blocks! This year's mystery is very tempting.

  2. Ohhhh i love your good fortune blocks. Feeling lukewarm about my own.....

  3. Your 16 patch blocks are so sweet. Love how your mystery quilt is coming together! So bright and happy!

  4. Looking good!! When I saw the reveal, I was wishing that I had joined the Mystery. Just THINK of all those scraps you are using!

  5. Your blocks look great!
    I'm loving the reveal - the mix of warm blocks with cool ones is fantastic! Now we just have to get all those gazillion bitty bits sewn together! 8)
