2011 Finishes

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching

My new sew-to-go embroidery project is off to a great start.  Here's some green leaves.

Work (needle turn applique) on this project continues as well.  Here's three more leaves.
 A trip to the service center to get new spark plugs and wires and scheduled maintenance (for a forever warranty as they call it)...resulted in all the green in that block complete.
I taught at the high school four days this week.  This resulted in ALL of the green being done.  Holy cow.  I didn't think I was that fast at this.  I'll have to gather fabrics for the flowers today to get them in that sew-to-go bag.  I want to keep playing with this project!  I'm seeing fun results.  Look out pinks and orange flowers!

I'm linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. Some great projects you've got on the go, there! Enjoy your Sunday :-)

  2. You are working very quickly. Your embroidery is very pretty. You are becoming a needle turn whiz. I really like that applique.

  3. Love the bright green on the white fabric it says Spring! The new hand embroidery project is off to a great start.
