2011 Finishes

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Slow Continues

Bowling season is winding down.  Baseball season will be coming, but I often times go out on the field if the other team has big hitters.  I'll still find time to stitch!  This is the last section of green leaves.  After the connecting border change stitch it's all done!

I've pulled out this project for my Sew-to-go bag next.  It's another crib quilt.  I'll start gathering the floss this week!
I'm linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  The linky party for 3/25/18 is here.


  1. I look forward to seeing your progress on this each week. Your next project is really adorable.

  2. Good to have your next project in the wings ready to go when
    This one is done.!

  3. They're both pretty crib quilts, so handy you are able to take them with you.

  4. Your stitching is coming along very well, and you have a new one all ready and waiting. Are these vintage designs perhaps?
