2011 Finishes

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sew Sweet Simplicity Quilt Top Complete

It's a top!  Here's my completed quilt top for the Jacqeline Steeves Sew Sweet Simplicity.

I think it's really cute.  It's my OMG quilt to try to finish for February.  I made it this far.
I'm not sure how I'm going to quilt it yet.
My OMG (One Main Goal) for February was to complete a Jacquelynne Steves quilt-along quilt called Sew Sweet Simplicity. I'm happy to report that this quilt top is complete -- and ADORABLE!

I'm thankful I found all the blocks for my OMG and All People Quilt UFO challenge for February.  This is what it looked like the beginning of this month.  I've come a long way today, baby!


  1. I really like this quilt. The borders really frame it beautifully.

  2. Very pretty. It will look great all quilted.
