2011 Finishes

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

More Chicks!

Good morning! I was happy to see this chick (and its sibling that is tucked under mom's wing) able to eat their first breakfast with "mom" today. I had to rescue them both from falling in an undesirable part of the coop last night. They both got a quick bath! Right place at the right time for me again. 
 Oh this chick hatching thing is just so addictive. I justified letting two different brood hens hatch more eggs this time of year.  They were insistent of being broody. So far five have hatched and one more egg is cracking as I type this. That helps replace some of the seven ate by the fox family three weeks ago during a free range test.  There are also four more eggs in the nest.  Eggs weren't supposed to hatch until tomorrow (day 21), but they are 2nd generation Easter Egger eggs and usually take 22 days to hatch vs. 21.  These little chicks hatched in 20 days.  The brood hen is diligently still sitting on the eggs, so I'll let her do it a couple more days. 
I'm am awed and amazed of how God always provides.
I'm excited to see what color these chickens will be.  I haven't hatched any chicks this color yet.  I have a feeling that they are "Brownie's" chicks.  Brownie was one of two survivors that my friend's son had.  All the rest of the flock were eaten by something.  She's a really good hen!  She is a faithful layer of a very dark egg (almost the color of a Maran egg.)  I believe Brownie is an Easter Egger.
Here's a picture of Brownie this morning (staying close to the coop where the chicks are hatching...)

Here's a picture of Brownie (one on the left) this morning (staying close to the coop where the chicks are hatching...)  You can't really see her speckled coloring in this picture.



  1. They are so cute and fluffy looking.

  2. How interesting, Kathy! It's so cool to know that you lost a few and they are being replaced by these new babies, which I take it are out of season. They are adorable looking, aren't they? All babies are.
