2011 Finishes

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Chicks are Growing

Here's some of my other fun that I have.  I have seven chicks the same age.  These chicks are the offspring of a lavender Ameraucana rooster and Orpington and Red Sex Link hens.  The pic on the left is the chick at 2 days old.  The pic on the right is at four weeks old.


(The two bottom chicks...)



(Might as well multiply the above pic time two.  I have two chicks that are very similar.)


  1. They are so cute. I'm trying to persuade the hubby to let me keep chickens but it's not going well so far

  2. They are so cute. I'm trying to persuade the hubby to let me keep chickens but it's not going well so far

  3. I love seeing all your babies!
