2011 Finishes

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Unusual Longarm Quilting Tool

Here's the tool that I used when I longarmed my Lucky Stars quilt.  I bought it at a garage sale for $2.  It's a Martha Stewart craft item.  The instructions included with it shows how to cut even strips into paper to make paper lanterns.

It helped me evenly space the straight-line quilting without the use of a ruler.  To keep the lines straight I just locked my horizontal lock on the longarm.

Here it is on the frame:


  1. Did you just mark in the grooves? The lines look great.

  2. What a creative girl you are to see how the paper lantern tool could work for long arming ... we're blogging about Tools and Gadgets on the Block Lotto. How about joining the linky party and adding this post to the list?

  3. So clever! I love it when we find ways to make quilting easier :-)
