I'm not very excited about this little panel quilt, but it's on the frame. I am doing a wonky Baptist Fan experiment on it, and I'm not doing that again. I have a small sample board of Baptist Fan. After I completed each board I would turn the board a different way, filling the small gaps with hearts. This panel is the most crooked panel I have ever seen. It was in a box of stuff I got at a garage sale a couple of years ago. I'm using a vintage sheet for the backing. The batting is left over pieces cut from making other quilts. Pretty much, I've got just time invested in this one for a learning experience.
I'm doing an experiment with thread. I'm almost done with the quilting and this cheap thread has only broken three times THE WHOLE QUILT! Go figure. I'm starting to believe that different pigments for coloring the cheap thread that I buy makes it weak. I'm having little luck with pastels such as pink and lilac. I'm having a lot of luck with neutrals, green, maroon, red... I'm hoping that my theory of color is right and that it's not the individual lot of thread. This would make thread selection in the future much easier if I knew I could use all the neutral tones.
cheap thread is hard on the nerves...lol