2011 Finishes

Friday, June 28, 2013

My Big Ole Quilt Bag -- Friday Finish

This Friday finish is a little bit different than the usual quilt finish.  This is my big ole quilt bag.  I fell in love with the bag when I saw it at one of our local quilt guild functions.  Several members have these big bags and use them to bring their projects or show and tell items to the meetings.  Loretta was kind enough to give me a copy of the pattern. 

My bag is made from 2" strips that were cut from upholstery samples that were given to me by a local quilt shop owner.  I lined them up on my 2" strip cutter and quickly made perfect pieces with my Accuquilt GO! Baby.  I sewed them together in random lengths like a lego quilt block.  The sides of the bag are old jeans.  Soft, worn, repurposed.  The inside lining was drapery fabric also given to me by the same local quilt shop.  The handles are supposed to be dowel rods, but I liked using the wedge and corner pieces of trim molding instead because they fit together when I squeeze them.

The handles are 22" wide.  I put a pop can in front of the bag to give you an idea of how big it is.  I'm a happy camper!  I can see myself making more of these bags for the beach and camping.  Love it!

I didn't get fancy by putting any pockets in it.  THIS bag is just for quilt stuff.  There is a key fob string and ring sewn inside so that I can hook my phone and keys to it.  But that's it.
I'm happy to link up with Richard and Tanya Quilts for the Link-A-Finish FRIDAY.

I'm also showing off this finish by joining the linky parties on:
Finish It Up Friday


  1. that bag is so neat! I'll bet with all of that heavy weight fabric it's really sturdy too! If you get a chance, you should link to Needle and Thread Thursday as well! It will be open through today!

    Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  2. Very cool! I have a similar bag that I have used for toting clothes on weekend trips, never thought to cart quilts in it :). I too bet this is sturdy!

  3. I love a big ole quilt bag! I have one myself. Looks great.

  4. I love all the materials you used in this bag and its purpose is perfect for all your projects!! Well done.

  5. Whoop, whoop! I love this big bag! It does look like it would be handy for sew many things. Thanks for sharing!

