2011 Finishes

Sunday, April 28, 2013

2013 Finish-A-Long List Complete for Q2

On April 15, 1013 I linked up with.  You can see my post here.  I can't believe that I am staying focused and completing so many things off of my WIP list this year.  Whohoo for 2013 finishes!
It's not the end of April yet, and I finished my goals for the quarter.  Here are the finishes on that goal list:

Chasing Chevrons (view finish post here.)

Buckeye Beauty -- Mystery Quilt with Made by Love with Mary's blog (blogged here.)

I also finished my three bird Block Lotto blocks for April (blogged here.)

2013 Finish-A-Long Q2
she can quilt
Thanks to Finish-A-Long's and QA's for keeping me on target.  I can't believe I finished these two quilts!  I need to start setting bigger goals!


  1. Love your "Chasing Chevrons" quilt! Beautiful!

  2. I want your Chasing Chevrons quilt..everytime I look at it, I just love it..
