2011 Finishes

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Swooning Along Under the Influence

OOPS! I was just swooning along trying to get this quilt top done.  My husband took our little guy to the garage, no tv, no music, just me and my quilt...  I guess the influence of the pain killers I was taking took their effect on me.  I had some oral surgery on Thursday this week and though I'm not in pain, I'm taking my perscription to stay ahead of it.  (The dentist had to saw into my jaw and I have quite a few stitches where a molar was extracted.  Anywho...)  I was so proud that I had this quilt done.  I took it out to hang on a line for a sunny picture.  My husband and son were walking down the path towards me.  I put in the close pins, dropped the rest of the quilt, stepped back for the photo AND...

YIKES!  Four blocks are in the wrong place.  Looks like I got some rippin' to do...

I need to rip out the secondary blue pieces at the top and bottom.  It's supposed to look like this:

scrappy swoon-along
At least I still think the colors look great together.


  1. Been there! Looks great. Put in a movie, relax and enjoy the ripping process.

  2. I wouldn't change it! It looks fine the way it is!!

    Actually it looks wonderful!

  3. Ohh no! LOL! Under the influence....geez! I am still puttering along on my binding, got started on it about 10:30 last night...so its gonna get done, I swear, in time for a sunny photo!
