2011 Finishes

Sunday, March 24, 2013

MMMRR13 March Sneak Peek & Hands 2 Help!

Whew!  Just in time to get it mailed to the next person, my March part of the Modern Mystery Mini Round Robin 2013 is complete.  It will be in the mail tomorrow.  It's not a moment too soon, because the next one should be here on Monday or Tuesday and I need to get those ideas flowing on it.

Here's a little sneak peek:


I will be donating a quilt to Happy Chemo this year in efforts to collect 1500 quilts.  I will be doing this through the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge 2013.  Check it out at Confessions of a Fabric Addict blog. 

H2H 2013 logo


  1. Fun sneak peak! I'll be finishing up this month's round shortly too. I want to get in on the H2H this year but don't know yet if I will have the time.

  2. Oh....I'm so behind...gonna get to mine in the next day or so, I promise!
