What can you do today to brighten someone's day?
I copied this from Michelle's blog.
Blogging friend Kelly Jackson, well known in the
blogging community for her terrific online shop I Have a Notion, is taking care
of her mom who has been recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which
unfortunately has spread to other organs. Kelly is requesting cards sent to her
mom to lift her spirits. You can read her post here.
Quilters are a vast and generous community and I
know that we can flood her mom's mailbox overflowing with cards of fun and
cheer. Please take a few minutes out of your busy day and post a pretty card to
help bring some smiles to an ailing Mom. You can send it to:
Olivia Howlett
c/o Henry Ford Hospital
Room P623
2799 W. Grand Blvd
Detroit, MI 48202
Per Kelly's request, please don't send any "Get
Well" cards but any other kind of card would be great. Share a cute story, a
joke, or an uplifting moment in your life, anything to help lift her
spirits. The sooner you can send one on its way, the better.
Help spread the word far and wide and share this
on your own blog. Quilters help quilters in time of need and there is no more
serious need than the illness Kelly's mom is dealing with now. I know our
deepest thoughts and prayers are with Kelly, her Mom and their entire family
during this difficult time.
I LOVE the kitty!! It is adorable!! don't tell anyone I said this, but it might be my favorite so far ;) all the colors, and the ball of yarn! OMG! I just love it! I want to be your partner every month!