2011 Finishes

Saturday, January 26, 2013

FNSI Results

Handmade by Heidi
For the Friday Night Sew In (FNSI) I pulled fabrics for the February Block Lotto. I can't tell you what it is, but... these are just a few of the Low Volume solid fabrics I pulled from my stash.  (Then I cut them to size, but I'm not showing you that either.)  I didn't know what low volume fabrics were. This is just one of the many reasons why I love The Block Lotto. I seem to learn something new all the time -- Thanks, Sophie! I'll show more pics after February 1st.  Now off to pulling more low volume prints.
That pink and bright blue might have to go.  We'll see if I have enough fabrics of the others to leave them out.  I'm sure I do. 
Here are some of the featured fabrics.  I loved this little project because I pulled fabrics from scrap (string) bags that my BFF, Judy, gave me.  Judy is such an awesome friend. 
Yeah...you know what I was thinking when I saw this pile... definitely add this color scheme to my bucket list-- LOW VOLUME quilt.