2011 Finishes

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WIP Wednesday 8.8.12

Here's what happened this week.

I finally added the border (actually three borders) to the Dutchman's Puzzle vintage sheet quilt.  I found the yellow inner border fabric while I was cleaning out the spare bedroom upstairs.  It was a vintage sheet!  I thought it was pefect for it.  I LOVE how the 1" border brings it all together.  Can you believe that I made a quilt with only four different fabrics?  It's going to go perfect on the bed in the spare bedroom that I'm been working on!  Now it needs some serious pressing/starch and a back.

I finished the August round of the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin.  I can't show it to you, but here's a sneak peek:
I completed the August FMQ Challenge with Sew Cal Gal.  It's supposed to be a jester's hat design.  With a little more practice, I think I could really like and utilize this pattern taught by Wendy Sheppard.
I added my nine blocks worth of entries to the Block Lotto.

My tumbler quilt continues to grow.  It's 36 tumblers across (83" wide). I'm not going to put a border on this quilt. The edge tumblers will be cut to make it straight. So I'm guessing it will be about 80" wide when finished. It will at least have to be 90" long. Right now it's about 50" long. Whew, now that I typed that it doesn't seem that I have that much more to go. Thanks to Accuquilt Baby GO! the tumbler part is easy.

The fourth Tetris block is complete (I didn't put the two corner pieces on it because that's where the Tetris pieces for block five will begin.)

Completed Projects -- 6
Tetris Block (block #4)
Submitted cool ladder blocks for the Block Lotto (9)
Tumbler Quilt now has 18 rows completed
Hexagon flowers this week (1)
FMQ Challenge - August
Completed quilt top for the Dutchman's Puzzle vintage sheet quilt

New Projects - 0
No new projects this week, but the Vintage Holiday QA at Fabric Mut is tempting this week:
http://fabricmutt.blogspot.com/p/vintage-holiday-qal.html  I think I'll just avoid temptation and sit this one out.  BUT I plan to start to make this cute baby quilt.  It's one of my three goals for August in the Pick Three

Make this Hundred Hugs baby quilt using my 2.5" block bin and strips

I think I found a great place to use my strings at FITF blog.  It's called scrappy triangles and it's on her tuturial page: 

As you can see, I have a lot of projects ongoing.  So I decided to sign up with traceyjay quilts and set goals for the Just Three:

Currently and SLOWLY in Progress: 9
Cafe Mocha (In the Bag Ugly Fabric quilt challenge
Tumbler Charm Quilt
New York Beauty QA (need a ton of pinwheels... only 8 beauties completed)
Tetris QA
Dutchman's Puzzle (finally added border 8.8.12)
Summer Series Quiltalong (stilll need more random blocks)
We Can Do It Skill Builder Sampler (need six very pretty blocks to be caught up!)
Drunkard's Path Quiltalong (still piecing sub assemblies)
Modern Mini Round Robin (August all caught up; waiting on next partner)

Quilt Tops to be quilted: 4
Oh Susannah! Mystery QA -- California King
Kaleidoscope QA
Jelly Roll Race - Lap quilt
Chasing Chevrons (back made and ready finally)
Quilt guild swap quilt
Dutchman's Puzzle Vintage Sheet (needs back made)
Projects on Hold: 5
Flower Basket Quilt
August Block Lotto African Violets baby quilt
Orca Bay (piecing together the last step) (I'm getting tired of moving these bins around.)
Victorianna Fabric Party Quiltalong (need five rows to catch up)
Bluepatch Quilter Mystery Quiltalong (need two stars and one braid)

Stop by and see who else has what else going on with Lee at Freshly Pieced!
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Great block lotto!

    It is hard to stick to 2-3 colors in a quilt top though isn't it!

  2. I love the Dutchman's Puzzle quilt! I love anything with flying geese. Congrats on the finish!
