2011 Finishes

Saturday, August 18, 2012

FNSI Results

Handmade by Heidi

Here's my results for the FNSI (Friday Night Sew In).  It's five rows of my tumbler charm quilt all sewn together but not yet attached.  Row six is sewn in pairs on the sewing machine.  My goal for this month is seven attached rows.  I'm on my way.

Here's the quilt to which I need to add them:


  1. Your tumbler quilt is looking great, you are just chugging along on it..love all the colors...is it going to be King size? Its a monster!

  2. Looking good! I have wanted to do one of these but never had the courage. Maybe someday!

  3. Looks like you managed to make good progress during FNSI. That's going to be a bright, cheerful quilt once it's finished.

  4. Wow! Your tumbler quilt is stunning! You got quite a bit accomplished for FNSI!

  5. I seriously can't get over how huge your tumbler quilt is getting - it's beautiful!

  6. Thanks again for visiting my blog via FNSI... Kathy the quilt top is amazing, i love the look of the tumbler, gosh it will be ENORMOUS! Bye For Now...
