2011 Finishes

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WIP Wednesday 2.25.12

Here's my second block for Tetris Tuesday (Happening with Melissa at Happy Quilting)

This week I finished the other eight Silly String blocks for the Block Lotto.

I made one more flower with hexagons.

Of course I worked on the tumbler charm quilt.

I had time to play with FMQ for the FMQ Challenge with Sew Cal Gal.  Here's the July challenge:

Here's the June challenge:  I kinda like the pebbles, but they are a TON of work.

I couldn't resist and purchased my pattern for the Totally Groovy QA.  I thought for sure I would win one at the end of July, but I just couldn't wait.  The pattern is sooooooo cool how it is put together!
Totally Groovy Quilt Along at Pile O' Fabric

I'm letting my fabrics lay on my computer desk.  I don't think they are working for me.  What do you think?

Completed Projects -- 6

Tetris Block (block #2)
Silly String Block for the Block Lotto (8)
Tumbler Quilt now has 13 rows completed
Hexagon flowers this week (1)
FMQ Challenge - June
FMQ Challenge - July
New Projects - 0

Do you have an extra WIP that you are no longer interested in or an extra quilt sitting around?  This would be a great donation quilt for the responders of the Colorado masacare shooting.  Quilts should be lap size or bigger.  This one would be quick and perfect for someone that was a responder to the life-changing event that happened at the Batman movie with the mass shootings.  Things will never be the same for these responders.  Join Quilting Ranny to help these people.  http://quiltingranny.blogspot.com/2012/07/calling-all-quilters-aurora-colorado.html

Quilts for Aurora

Currently and SLOWLY in Progress: 7

Cafe Mocha (In the Bag Ugly Fabric quilt challenge
Tumbler Charm Quilt
New York Beauty QA (need a ton of pinwheels... only 8 beauties completed)
Tetris QA
Dutchman's Puzzle (finally purchased border 5/14/12.)
Summer Series Quiltalong (stilll need more random blocks)
We Can Do It Skill Builder Sampler (need six very pretty blocks to be caught up!)
Drunkard's Path Quiltalong (still piecing sub assemblies)
Modern Mini Round Robin (waiting on next partner)

Quilt Tops to be quilted: 4
Oh Susannah! Mystery QA -- California King
Kaleidoscope QA
Jelly Roll Race - Lap quilt
Chasing Chevrons (back made and ready finally)
Quilt guild swap quilt

Projects on Hold: 5

Flower Basket Quilt
August Block Lotto African Violets baby quilt
Orca Bay (piecing together the last step) (I'm getting tired of moving these bins around.)
Victorianna Fabric Party Quiltalong (need five rows to catch up)
Bluepatch Quilter Mystery Quiltalong (need two stars and one braid)
Stop by and see who else has what else going on with Lee at Freshly Pieced!
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

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