Doesn't this blue one remind you of Denyse Schmidt fabric from JoAnn's?
Look how worn and used this quilt was! I'm kinda in a toss-up of what quilt I want to make for my sister and when. Someday I am making a quilt for her. I don't think I will be able to get one done by May for her birthday with all of the projects going on right now. But then again, she really likes trees. I'm also leaning towards a tree quilt. Decisions, decisions...
Speaking of vintage, check out the quiltalong hosted by Reeze at The Grateful Stitcher Blog
There is a you tube video that shows you how to hexi's with a machine and NO Y seams either! I think it is by the Missouri quilt co. search for machine piecing hexi's. Looks really easy. I am hoping to start one this year.