2011 Finishes

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WIP Wednesday 12/14/11 -- And GIVEAWAY

See the bottom of this post for the giveaway information!  It's worth the wait.  But here's what I have been busy doing this week between blog hops...

Orca Bay Summer Sunfish Pond

Orca Bay Step 4 is complete.  Here's a picture of some of the greens:
Here's a better picture of the colors...

Here's the other steps so that you can see my color choices to make
Orca Bay Summer Sunfish Pond
Step 3:

Step 2:

Step 1:

I also am caught up with the We Can Do It Skill Builder Sampler by completing block #19, Orange Windows:

And I've gotta chow  you my Chasing Chevrons quilt top that I am very happy with:

I'll get all caught up with the stats next week...  I'm not sure what happened to Lee at Freshly Pieced.  She didn't do WIP Wednesday last week, and hasn't posted for days.  She must be blog hopping!

...and now for that exciting giveaway information copied from Jeanne's post at The Learning Curve...
The Amazing Blog Race......It's ON
The Amazing Race Is On.............
The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such and BeaQuilter are in a race to see who can reach 200 followers first. The winner will receive a gift from the loser and those that want to enter just for the fun of watching the race will be entered into a random draw for a gift from both racers!  How do you enter you ask?  You have to be a follower of both blogs and comment that you joined or are already following.  Then spread the word either by email, facebook, twitter, blog, some type of media hype with a link to your "spread" and you're in like Flynn.  Simple as that.



  1. Wow! You are an amazing quilter! I follow you, so will head over to see the others!

  2. Kathy, Congratulations you are the winner of the gift from the Amazing Race. Please send me your address so I can send a sweet little package to you!!!
