2011 Finishes

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Occupy Your Sewing Room - Friday Night Sew In Results

Check out Cat Patches at:  http://catpatches.blogspot.com/p/occupy-your-sewing-room.html for more details on this challenge.

I spent about four hours in my sewing space last night.  My husband surprised me and came home early from working out of town.  Yeah!  so here's my progress on Step 4 of Orca Bay Mystery Quilt with Bonnie Hunter.  I can't believe that I only got 18 blocks complete.  Oh well... gotta keep sewing.  Geez, I hope my husband doesn't miss the random pages of our current phone book that I ripped out so that I could have extra foundation paper.  Tee hee.

If you so desire you could jump on over to the Friday Night Sew in page and hop around and see what other have been up to. There right now 156 people who signed up to join.


  1. I love the 18 block you did get completed! Quite a nice surprise by your husband last night.

  2. Looking good, love your color! Can't wait to start on mine.

  3. Your blocks are looking great! And the pile of scraps looks pretty good, too. :o)

  4. Oh, I love those string blocks in green. I have a real weakness for string quilts! Love them!

  5. thank you for stopping by. good luck in the giveaway. hugs

  6. Love your strings quilt! You got a great start!
    It feels great - doesn't it!
    Enjoy your day!

  7. Looks good. I'm almost done with mine. Should have finished them last night, but got caught up in trying to do the blog hop with a very very slow internet connection. Guess everyone else was doing the hop too. LOL

  8. Great string blocks! I rejoice when the new phone book comes, I can then 'destroy' the old one with blocks.

  9. Your string blocks look like fun; I've never tried them before but they are on my bucket list! :)

  10. Bonnies mystery is on my plate but I haven't started it yet. After the holidays! :-) Can't wait to see yours all finished.

  11. String blocks look great and I love the greens! I have never done a mystery block quilt before, are you enjoying it?

  12. Funny thing about husbands... mine tends to find the needles and pins I've left here and there.

