2011 Finishes

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Night Sew In

This is my first time participating in the Friday Night Sew In.

I know I said I wasn't going to start my Orca Bay Mystery Quilt until I got last week's and this week's We Can Do It Skill Builder Sampler blocks done...but I just couldn't resist.  My husband AND 4-year-old son went to bed at 8:30pm!!!  That gives me tons of sewing time.  I think I could cut and sew and cut and sew and cut and sew a ton of step one of Bonnie Hunter (Quiltville) Orca Bay.  These are my colors:  Neutrals, Yellow, Orange, and Green.  I hope I read the first instruction right.  When Bonnie says "black" on her quilt, I guess it's "yellow" for my quilt.  I'm sure it will be pretty as long as I use contrasting colors.   Here's my stack:

Here's what I have cut so far...

I need 448 PAIRS of these puppies!  Guess I better quit blogging and start cutting.  Whew.

Here's the link to the Friday Night Sew In Linky doo:



  1. Welcome to FNSI! I hope you had a great time -- 448 pairs! I am tired just thinking about it, but it will be so satisfying when you finish it.

  2. Looks like a fantastic first FNSI. Here's to many more! Join all your friends from around the globe to sew on a special friday night. :)

  3. Welcome to FNSI. I haven't been drawn in by Orca Bay yet, but it's probably only a matter of time.

  4. Welcome to FNSI. Wow seeing off the family at 8.30 gave you a lovely long sewing evening to yourself, well organised! Loved seeing what you were working on, see you again next month.
