2011 Finishes

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chasing Chevrons Quiltalong Fabrics

Here's my fabric choices for the Chasing Chevrons QA at That girl... that quilt....  (click on the button below to get there.)   I'm actually using the four fat quarters that I won from Leila's giveaway at Sewn in the We Can Do It Skill Builder Sampler.  They are Riley Blake -- Treasures and Tidbits.  I am using the blue as the background fabric (purchased at our quilt guild president's new "Hen House".)  The Hen House is a cool place where our quilt guild can get together and sew and have classes and use her short arm machine.  What a neat place.  Anywho... I also see some plain red chevrons and some yellow chevrons.  If there's a border, it will probably be red.  Picking out colors is so much easier when I start with something like the Riley Blake fq's.

That Girl... That Quilt

Marlene Oddie, at Kissed Quilts is celebrating her 2nd anniversary with her business.

If she gets 100 followers by Sunday night, she's giving away a whole bunch of things!!  Check out her blog and help her reach 100 followers!  You may even win something!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your fabric choices! This is going to be a great quilt!

    Jennifer :)
