2011 Finishes

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WIP Wednesday #29

OH my!  So much fabric, so little time..  Here's what I've been working on...

Finished block 3 of the Bluepatch Quilter Mystery

Here are it's block friends so far

Participated in the Jelly Roll Race to celebrate the Indy 500 with 1 Choice 4 Quilting.  I had a couple of hours in the prep work the evening before the race.  Then the quilt top was finished in under two hours.  Whohoo... a simple Christmas quilt top now gets added to the quilt tops to be quilted.

I am following further and further behind on the Oh Susannah mystery quilt along.  I will get there...  I am having trouble figuring the size block needed and am a little mixed up in the instructions.  Erik is really nice to answer e-mails and such and answers very quickly, but I am just going to wait another week to see what happens to the mystery and then I can proceed.

I need another quiltalong like I need a hole in my head.  I am considering doing
But with summer here I have a lot of plans for my son.  We'll see...  I have some time to decide on this one.

I completed my Block Lotto blocks for June already.  It is the simplest pattern ever!  The hard part was trying to find colors in my stash that met the criteria AND looked okay together.  But when I saw the virtual quilt, I realized that my colors are okay and will work.  Here's my nine blocks.

On an exciting note,  I WON the May Block Lotto!  I will be getting 36 blocks mailed to me of Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple Blossom block.  Woot woot!  I'm so excited to see how they all play together.

I finished ripping out the YUCK I created when I thought I would try my new stitch-in-the-ditch foot (without practice) on the Sunflowerseeds quiltalong quilt.  I'll be able to start working on quilting and finishing that again so that it will be ready for a baby shower on July 17th.

I made June's block for the Block Swap Adventure.  I will put it in the mail today or tomorrow.  I still haven't received my May block.  There's still time and some hope.  I tried to contact my partner FOUR times via e-mail and NOTHING.  Hopefully it has a better ending than not receiving a block at all for April.  :(

Here's a picture of the block that I sent to my partner in May.  She should have received it by now and posted a picture on the site, but she hasn't.  :(

Completed tops awaiting quilting:
California King Country Kitties http://new2quilting.blogspot.com/2011/03/country-kitties.html
Sunflower Seeds Quilt-along  at http://jamiemueller.blogspot.com/2011/04/awesome-quilt-along-week-three.html
Completed projects - 3 (Block #3 for Bluepatch Quilter Mystery Quilt), Block Lotto for June, and Block Swap Adventure for June
Currently in progress - 6


  1. Wow, so many things going on! Well, firstly, I'd love for you to join in the Kaleidoscope Quilt Along, it's going to be a ton of fun! I love your strip quilt and your mystery blocks, such a pretty blue hue you're using. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday!

  2. Fun stuff! I thought about doing that jelly roll race but couldn't justify buying the jelly roll. :) Yours turned out cute!
    The Kaleidoscope is tempting me as well, but I have to stay sane so I am going to save it for later. I am sorry about your block swap. What a bummer!

  3. I love your Christmas quilt! Great idea.

  4. Fun! I really like the blue and white blocks - such a crisp color combo!

  5. lots of fun fabric creations! i really like the black/red quilt!

    =) new follower...
